The Ohio Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) are highly specialized treatment organizations operating in a regulatory, policy, and financing environment unlike the rest of healthcare. The opioid addiction crisis is resulting in growing attention to medication assisted treatment, recovery strategies and increased regulatory changes to policies governing OTPs and office based opioid treatment programs (OBOTs). Ohio’s revised code and administrative code continues to be developing and changing for several state organizations including the Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, the Department of Medicaid, the Board of Pharmacy, Medical Board, and Nursing Board. Without a focused policy and advocacy initiative led by people that understand the clinical and business aspects of OTPs, the regulatory landscape is at risk of changing in ways that are unfavorable to operating OTPs.
Benefits of an Ohio Affiliate of AATOD:
- Provide a more formal structure for Ohio’s affiliate of AATOD
- Monitor legislation and rules, and influence state and federal policymakers about OTPs and clients
- Improve visibility and business environment of OTPs
Moving Forward with the Ohio Affiliate:
In June 2017, the Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers Board of Trustees approved the creation of a division to serve as the Ohio Affiliate of AATOD. This division is staffed by a registered lobbyist who will:
- Participate in quarterly meetings organized by the State Opioid Treatment Authority (SOTA)
- Organize and convene regular OATOD meetings
- Attend the AATOD conference
- Communicate with division members through electronic media
- Work with members to review and comment on state and federal regulations related to OTPs
- Work with members to influence the development and direction of state and federal legislation
While recommended, participation in the division does not require full membership with the Ohio Council. As such, those organizations choosing to only participate in the division would not be entitled to member benefits including communications (e-bulletins, Insight newsletter, and weekly headlines), policy meetings, products and services, discounted member rates for conferences and trainings, technical assistance on matters unrelated to OTP policy, and access to exclusive member portions of the Ohio Council website.
Organizations participating in the Ohio Affiliate of AATOD:
- Must be a regulated Ohio OTP and in good standing with OhioMHAS or must be in the process of establishing an Ohio OTP. If not operating an OTP in Ohio, but operating one in another state, they must be in good standing with that state’s regulatory bodies; and
- Pay an annual fee for participation in the Division
DUES: Dues are $2,000 per participating organization and $100 per additional sites.